Points for School

Frequently Asked Questions

How can we help you?

Here are a few of the questions we get the most. If you don't see what's on your mind, reach out to us anytime.

Contact Us
  • The confirmation code(s) are sent to you by your Loyalty Program once you’ve redeemed for the Points for School reward. Visit our How it Works page for more details.

  • It's easy! Instead of redeeming your loyalty points for flights or merchandise, you simply redeem for the Points for School reward. Log into one of our loyalty program partners' online Reward catalogues and search for the Points for School reward. Once you’ve redeemed, you’ll get a Confirmation Code and an email from Points for School with the rest of the instructions telling you how to transfer your funds to an account at one of our Participating Institutions. Visit our How it Works page for more details.

  • Please check to make sure your institution is on our Participating Institutions list before you redeem for a Points for School Reward as these redemptions are non-refundable. If, by chance, you (or someone you know) redeemed Loyalty points and you want to transfer the redemption amounts to a school that is not yet a Participating Institution, all is not lost! The Points for School Reward is valid for two years following the date of redemption, and we’re working around the clock to get every Higher Education Institution in Canada on board as quickly as possible, so don’t despair. Send us a note at [email protected] with the Subject line "Get My School on Board" and we'll do our best to bring them into the program.

  • Awesome! Take a look at the instructions on our How It Works page. Once you or the person who redeemed their points sets up a free Points for School member account, either of you can Transfer the funds to a Participating Institution. Each loyalty program partner has a Checklist of items needed to complete the Transfer (e.g. Confirmation Code, student number, loan account number etc). If you need help, just drop us a note at [email protected] with the Subject line "Assistance with my Transfer" and we'll be happy to assist you.

  • Not at all! You can redeem your Loyalty points (or anyone else's) and transfer them to a Participating Institution whenever you like. As long as you have a valid Student Number, you’re good to go.You’ll be ahead of the game when the bills come in! (wouldn’t that be a treat?!).

  • Nope! Go ahead and make a student loan payment whenever you like. The bonus is you'll pay less interest on your loans with earlier repayment!

  • If you haven’t received your Confirmation Code yet, but the redemption through your Loyalty Program was successful, review your Spam or Junk folder to see if the email confirmation was redirected there. If it was not, please login to your Loyalty Program website and review your previous or past orders to obtain your confirmation code(s).

  • It may take up to seven (7) business days after you complete the transfer of your redemption(s) before it shows up in your student account at the designated institution. Once you have received the confirmation email from Points for School that the transfer was successfully completed and/or your Member Account shows the status of the transfer is “complete”, and more than seven business days have passed, please follow up with the appropriate department at your higher education institution. They will be able to let you know how long it will be before the transfer appears in your account.

  • Sure you can! We’ve set Points for School up so that anyone can help a student offset some of the costs of their Higher Education. Simply send out a few (or a few dozen) of our Get More Points!emails to relatives and friends – they’d probably be happy to give you a hand with a donation of their loyalty points!Ask your employer too – businesses often collect tons of loyalty points – what better way to create their own loyalty than to help a student out when they need it the most?!Finally, consider getting your own membership in the programs of our Loyalty partners – you can start to “earn and burn while you learn” (i.e. earn points and burn them to help pay for school!)

  • The process is quite simple. All schools have to do is get in touch with us and we’ll walk them through an easy process which will allow them to accept transfers of Points for School member redemptions. For more information, send us an email at [email protected] and we’d be happy to help you!

  • A Points for School Gift Certificate is simply a physical (printed) version of a Points for School education credit. We created these for those who may not have or want to use loyalty points but want to help a student. This makes it easy for small employers, big corporations, scholarship providers, donors and marketers to help students fund their education without the associated administrative burdens. Anyone can give a Points for School Gift Certificate to a student knowing the funds can only be used for educational expenses. Points for School deposits the funds directly into the student/grad's account on behalf of the student--quickly and securely.

  • Send us an email at [email protected] with the Subject Line: Gift Certificates and we'll get right back to you with the options.